By krystyn
One of the biggest lessons I’ve had to learn over the past few months is how to start over. Again. I did it at the beginning of 2007, and then again later that year, both times for game development career challenges. And I knew the deal when I took it, this fall. When I said […]
By krystyn
As I mentioned a couple days ago, my father died almost a year ago. It was a horrible time, full of stress so profound that all of it feels like another lifetime, another person in my body, moving from day to day in a blue-grey fog of sheer terror. It was difficult, I think, to […]
By krystyn
Yesterday I had such a craving for Noodle World’s tom kha gai bowl. For about six dollars, I could get a huge container of the soup, and it was my go-to on heavy design days, on days when the ARG was live and hopping. The soup was nourishing, and the noodles messy, and the small […]
By krystyn
So, hi. My name is Krystyn. I’ve been journaling online for a long while now – since 1998, actually. I live in North Carolina – and if you had told 1998 me that I would be here, and pretty happy to be so, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. But after living in the Chicago […]
By krystyn
This will be the space where I once again attempt to post daily during the holidays, as a wordy gift to readers of this journal, in just a few days!